Tribute...Who am I?
I'm A young Black Man, I use black to describe me, because besides the fact that I'm a young man. A young man who has made it thus far in my life, I have been escaping stereotypes placed on me by those ignorant enough to base my future on another man's past based solely off the correlation and common heredity fact, That I Am Black. My Heritage, as a whole, has overcome so much and I will bring that with me everywhere I go. So not only am I a young man, but I'm a young black man, who is preparing himself to become an independent black man. Who will progress and not be an exception, but rather, an example to all those around him. Showing all that not only can people grow, but a race, and a generation too. As I look back down my line of lineage. To where my grandparents on both sides of my family came to America, and put there children through college, with blue collar jobs all while, building their assets. To now where their children are out of college and have a beautiful family, and are successful. They laid the ground work and built the foundation on which their children have aggrandized. Placing their seeds on a higher level of success and prosperity, than the plateau they had to catapult from. So Next up is my generation, the generation that is suppose to surpass it's predecessor’s solely off the strength, that those before me want my generation to succeed, and supersede them. Which leaves my younger sister and I anxiously awaiting our future knowing that nothing but Greatness lies ahead, based on the fact, they've come thus far and are now passing the torch. While watching from the stands like proud parents cheering us on and guiding us every step of the way. As I await my fate, I don't wander aimlessly, but rather gather my thoughts and prepare myself, for what lies in store. No one knows for sure what is going to happened, except the creator of my Destiny. So, I pray to him everyday asking for wisdom and understanding that I may be a light to those around me found in dark place, that I maybe a rope to help pull those distant to the shore, or a hand to help those hanging on a ledge. That I maybe what ever is needed as I go through my journey and until it is time for me to pass the torch, which was handed to me by those who brought me in this world. I will not only thank them with words and gifts, but with the preservation and burgeoning of the legacy, they have entrusted me with. And I will do the same, as them, to Generation IV. I say Generation IV, because although I hope my wealth may flow down for generations, I only have direct control over the generation that I birth, through my union. What they decide to do is left up to them solely when they conceive their seeds', so all I can do is merely, hope and pray that the same drive that was kindled in me will catch fire in them, to carry the torch, As I Will.© Me
i like i like a little long lol but its good!
your a wonderful writer. I'm proud of you.
<3 Crepe face
you are so gifted, and driven, and i know that you will be able to carry on your parents' torch. your faith in God is unshakable and that is truly admirable. however in this you wrote about how you are waiting for your future to be decided or come to you, i believe that we should go after our futures for although our destiny may be already decided it is up to us to go afer it and take full advantage of the plan God has for us, instead of waiting for it and maybe missing it as it passes by.
What I meant by the waiting for my future, is that I know I am destined for something great. So I am waiting for my destiny to find me and I will continue living my life day by day, working hard at whatever I do and writing until then.
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Great writing. My favorite part "I'm a young black man, who is preparing himself to become an independent black man. Who will progress and not be an exception, but rather, an example to all those around him. Showing all that not only can people grow, but a race, and a generation too."
Beautiful walt, keep it up
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