
SPREAD IT... Tribute

I have been chosen for such a time as this, a time where a voice like mine is needed. In order to speak on behalf of those in the shadows, those who feel what they have to say may be viewed as unimportant or incoherent, but still continuing knowing that those who catch the thoughts and words may inform others, because words have power to spread like wild fire.©


Anonymous said...

what are you trying to get accomplished?

JDizzle said...

I think that was well placed together the depth of thought really took me into the inner workings of your concious I suggest you keep letting your brain guide you as a young man into manhood it will deff be of great service to the rest of the african american community as a single entity and thus uniting Dr. kings dream once more

notArius said...

Right Now, I'm just expressing thoughts, and listening to the feedbacks I receive. I'm a college student who is interested in one day writing a book, and currently want to be a part time consultant, in any field whether it be Consulting, Advertising, or Marketing. So, as for now I am merely awaiting my destiny and reading the comments everyone has to offer in reference to my thoughts..

Anonymous said...

you have talent and keep going because one day your dreams will also come true and you will be a great writer