

calvo turpius est nihil comato
(KAHL-woh TUUR- pee-uus est NIH- hil koh-MAH-toh)


Anonymous said...

Is that latin? What does it mean?

Anonymous said...

whats that mean crepe face?

notArius said...

Yes, it is Latin. The phrase means "Don't pretend to be more than you are". I interpret this phrase as meaning, never pretend to be something you are not, because in the end, although you are fooling everyone, you are not being true to yourself. What do you think anybody?

Anonymous said...

i like this alot, i wish that everyone would live by this phrase.

Anonymous said...

"Don't pretend to be more than you are" is a good piece of advice to others as well as to oneself. When people pretend to be more than they are they began to live beyond ones means. When people realize what is occurring it will be a hard fall to reality.